All Natural Hypochlorous Acid Blephagen™ is an all natural hypochlorous acid (HOCl) based eyelid and eyelash cleanser that is scientifically proven to eradicate the microorganisms that cause discomfort, fast enough to provide near instant relief, and gentle enough to use as often as needed for all ages and skin types.
Blephagen™ Eyelid and Eyelash Hygiene removes encrustation and debris, to help manage red, itchy, crusty, inflamed eyes providing FAST relief!
• Steroid-free, Antibiotic-free,
• Non-irritating, Non-cytotoxic, Non-sensitizing
• Requires no special handling
Use as Part of the Eyelid Hygiene Regimen for:
- Blepharitis
- MGD and Dry Eye
- Ocular surgical procedures
- After make-up removal
- Before and after contact lens wear
- Scale and crust removal on Eczema and Sebhorreic Dermatitis patients